Every Christian’s journey starts by believing in Jesus and making a decision to follow Him. If you’re not sure that your sins are forgiven, follow this link to a helpful site by Billy Graham. Then return to this page for “next steps” that will help you begin your journey with God.


The Four “Reaches”

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The first (and most important) reach is “up” to God. We desire to see people adopt a lifestyle of connecting with God. Join us as we connect with Him every week at 10:30 a.m. in our Sunday service. But, don’t stop there! A vital part of connecting with God happens as you read your Bible and pray daily.

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REACH TOWARD - (GROW in a Group)

The second reach is “toward” others in the church. We were designed to live our lives in community. At FCC, we believe that people grow better in circles (small groups) than in rows (church services). “Connect Groups” consist of 5-10 people who meet regularly to connect with others.

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REACH ACROSS - (SERVE in Ministry)

The third reach is “across” the church (to serve your brothers and sisters in Christ). We believe an essential step in growing as a Christian is finding a place to serve. We have numerous places where you can plug in and use your gifts to bless others. If you want more information about our serving opportunities, let us know on a “Next Steps” Card - you’ll find one on the back of the chair ahead of you (when you visit). Complete the card and place it in the offering. We’d love to help you find a place on one of our volunteer teams!

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REACH OUT - (SHARE your Story)

The final reach is “out” toward a lost world. Think about it: When you discover a great new restaurant or app, what’s the first thing you do? You tell a friend! Faith is like that - it’s better when you share it with friends! Don’t keep the good news to yourself! Share Jesus with someone you know!